বি২ স্তরের শব্দতালিকা - অপরাধ এবং সহিংসতা
এখানে আপনি অপরাধ এবং সহিংসতা সম্পর্কে কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন, যেমন "বোমাবাজি", "পিকপকেট", "চুরি" ইত্যাদি B2 শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য প্রস্তুত।
to catch an animal or a person and keep them as a prisoner
ধরা, গ্রেপ্তার করা
to publicly reveal something that was previously hidden or unknown
খুলে ধরা, উন্মোচিত করা
to escape punishment for one's wrong actions
দন্ডিত হওয়া থেকে বাঁচা, কারাগার এড়ানো
to secretly listen to a phone conversation between individuals in order to gain specific information
মোনিটর করা, গোপনে শোনা
to go after someone or something, particularly to catch them
পালিয়ে যাওয়া, অনুসরণ করা
to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack
প্রতিরোধ করা, বিরোধিতা করা
to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law
দণ্ডিত করা, সাজা দেওয়া
the legal act of capturing someone and taking them into custody by law enforcement
a piece of protective clothing worn to shield against bullets and keep the wearer safe from injury
গুলিভেদক জ্যাকেট, গুলিরোধী জ্যাকেট
unpaid work done either as a form of punishment by a criminal or as a voluntary service by a citizen
কমিউনিটি সার্ভিস, সামাজিক সেবা
a place where criminals are put into by law as a form of punishment for their crimes
কারাগার, জেল
the punishment in which an individual is made to stay in jail for the rest of their life, typically for committing a serious crime
দাবা পেশা কারাদণ্ড, জীবনব্যাপী দণ্ড
an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system
অপরাধ, দণ্ডনীয় অপরাধ
someone who has personally seen of an object, event, etc. and can describe it
মৌলিক প্রত্যক্ষদর্শী, সাক্ষী
an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.
মাদক ব্যবসায়ী, মাদক বিক্রেতা
a criminal who deceives people for financial interest or personal advantage
প্রতারণা, প্রতারণাকারী
a criminal who steals money or other goods from people's pockets or bags
জুরে, পকেট মারাত্মক
the act of using bombs, especially by terrorists to cause harm, damage, or fear in a population
বোমা ফেলা, বোমা হামলা
the crime of entering a building to commit illegal activities such as stealing, damaging property, etc.
চুরির ঘটনা, অবৈধ প্রবেশ
the act of driving a vehicle such as a car while being drunk
মদ্যপ অবস্থায় গাড়ি চালানো, মদ্যপ অবস্থায় গাড়ি চালনা
the illegal use of someone's name and personal information without their knowledge, particularly to gain money or goods
পরিচয় চুরি, পরিচয় ডাকাতি
the crime of stealing money or goods from someone or somewhere, especially by violence or threat
ডাকাতি, চুরি
the crime of taking goods from a store without paying for them
দোকানদারী চুরি, শপলিফটিং
the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power
the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization
ভাঙচুর, বেআইনি ভাঙচুর
a crime that is intentionally directed toward a person or thing to hurt, intimidate, or kill them
হিংসা, আক্রমণ
to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison
পলানো, ভাগোণ
to kill a person by holding them in the air with a rope tied around their neck
ঝুলিয়ে মারা, ফাঁসি দেওয়া
an escape from a place, typically where one is being held against their will
পলায়ন, ঢিল
a type of drug derived from the dried leaves and flowers of a plant called Cannabis or Marijuana, which is illegal in many countries
ঘাস, মারিজুয়ানা
someone, particularly a police officer, whose job consists of dealing with the illegal use, production, or distribution of drugs
মাদকদ্রব্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ কর্মকর্তা, মাদক পুলিশ
feeling or acting unusually different due to the influence of alcohol, marijuana, etc.
মাতাল, হৈচৈ করা
to experience a powerful and sometimes unusual change in one's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions as a result of taking drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms
ট্রিপ করা, অলৌকিক অনুভূতি পাওয়া
a special device used by the police, which analyzes the content of a driver's breath to determine how much alcohol they have consumed
শ্বাস বিশ্লেষক, অ্যালকোহল পরীক্ষা ডিভাইস
to refuse to follow rules, commands, or orders
অমান্য করা, অনুসরণ না করা
to put a person in a place where they can not escape from, such as a psychiatric hospital or prison
বন্দী করা, লক আপ করা
in a situation where there is clear proof of one's crime or wrongdoing
the scientific techniques that help police solve crimes
ফরেনসিক, ফরেনসিক সায়েন্স
to get money from people by using dishonest or illegal methods
ধোঁকা দেওয়া, প্রতারিত করা