relating to the energy associated with motion or movement, emphasizing the dynamic state of objects in action
কাইনেটিক, মুভমেন্টের সাথে সম্পর্কিত
having a positive effect on both physical and mental well-being
চিকিৎসামূলক, লাভজনক
having a wide range of colors, especially vibrant ones
ক্রোমাটিক, রঙিন
medically clean and free from any form of contamination
অসেপটিক, বাহ্যিক মলিনতা মুক্ত
(of ideas or plans) hopeful or imaginative but impractical
অবাস্তব, স্বপ্নদর্শী
related only to the body, distinct from mental or emotional aspects
having the qualities of shrewdness, sensibility, and prudence
রাজনৈতিক, বুদ্ধিমান
able to keep a calm demeanor and not get emotional easily
relating to the science of studying sounds or the way people hear things
finding pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure in hurting or humiliating others
সাদিষ্ট, নৃশংস
having no certainty or strong opinion about something
অজ্ঞেয়, অনিশ্চিত
relating to, containing, or using compressed air or gas
পিএনিউম্যাটিক, চাপ দেওয়া বাতাস সংক্রান্ত
related to improving the appearance of the body, especially the face and skin