a feeling we get when somebody or something is funny and exciting

মজার অনুভূতি, আনন্দ

someone who asserts a right to something, typically in a legal context

দাবিকারক, অভিযোগকারী

the action of keeping someone in a closed space, prison, etc., usually by force

কনফাইনমেন্ট, বন্দিশালা

the last section of a literary or dramatic piece where the plot is concluded and all the matters of the work is explained


payment, salary, or compensation received for work or services rendered, often in the context of employment or official position

পারিশ্রমিক, ভাতা

a state of agitation, excitement, or unrest, often associated with rapid change or transformation

ফার্মেন্ট, আন্দোলন

something invented or imagined, often without any basis in reality

গল্পের অবিষ্কৃত বস্তু, কল্পনাপ্রসূত বস্তু

a bond or connection between individuals, often signifying a relationship or tie of loyalty

লিগামেন্ট, সম্পর্ক

the process of securely placing or depositing something, often into a designated location or container

জমা, স্থাপন

a feeling of joy, cheerfulness, and amusement that spreads warmth and happiness among people

আনন্দ, জয়

a substance, usually smooth and oily, rubbed on the skin for medical purposes

মলম, লেপন

a difficult or unpleasant situation that is hard to deal with

জটিলতা, কষ্টকর অবস্থা

clothing or garments, especially when considered in terms of fashion or formal attire

বস্না, পোশাক

small, decorative items or trinkets, often of little value individually but collectively creating a visually appealing display

ছোটোখাটো জিনিসপত্র, সাজসজ্জার সামগ্রী