মৌলিক বিশেষ্য - পাখি এবং পোকামাকড়
এখানে আপনি পাখি এবং পোকামাকড় সম্পর্কিত ইংরেজি বিশেষ্যগুলি শিখবেন, যেমন "চড়ুই," "হাঁস," এবং "কাক।"
a small common songbird with grayish brown plumage that feeds on seeds or insects

গোলাবি, মোরগ

a large bird of prey with a sharp beak, long broad wings, and very good sight

গোল্ডেন ঈগল

an American migratory songbird which is red on the breast and underpart

রবিন, লাল বুকের পাখি

a type of bird with a round face, large eyes and a loud call that hunts smaller animals mainly during the night

গাহন, গুরু

a bird with short legs and a short beak which typically has gray and white feathers

পায়রা, পায়রাপাখি

a tropical bird with bright colors and a curved beak that can be trained to mimic human speech


a small fast-flying bird with pointed wings and tail and a short bill, which feeds on insects

গোকুল, ছোট পাখি

a waterbird with webbed feet, a long neck, and short beak, which is like a large duck


a bird with short legs and a wide beak that naturally lives near or on water or is kept by humans for its eggs, meat, or feathers

মোরগ, রাজহাঁস

a fast and large bird that is flightless and has long legs and a long neck, native to Africa


a male bird with a large shiny colorful tail having eyelike patterns that can be raised for display

ময়ূর, পুরুষ ময়ূর

a large bird of prey with a bare head, a long neck and weak claws that is famous for scavenging

গৃফ, কালো গৃফ

a bird with a drill-like beak that makes holes in trees in search of insects to feed on

গুড়গুড়ি, কাঠশালিক

a small tropical bird with colorful plumage and a long narrow bill that can sip nectar and hover or fly backwards

হামিংবার্ড, ফুল খোঁচাচ্ছে পাখি

a large aquatic bird with long legs and neck, pink plumage and a broad bill curved downward that lives near warm waters


a small bird with narrow wings that flies high in the sky and is very fast

স্বিফট, গোসল

an African songbird of the finch family with yellow feathers, often kept as a pet

কনারী, কনারী পাখি

a small bird with a large crested head, orange and blue plumage and a long beak that uses to catch fish

রাজহাঁস, মৎস্য শিকারি

a North American songbird with a long tail and grayish plumage that is known for its ability to copy the calls of other birds

মার্কার পাখি, নকল পাখি

a large water bird with a long beak and a throat pouch that has grayish white plumage


a small songbird with a short beak that feeds on seeds and nuts and has different colors

ফিঞ্চ, বুলবুলি

a southern Asian passerine with dark plumage that can imitate human speech

মাইন, মাইন পাখি

a large black bird belonging to the crow family with shiny feathers and a loud unpleasant call


a large bird that has a bald head and is often kept for its meat, especially in the US


a large black-and-white seabird that lives in the Antarctic, and can not fly but uses its wings for swimming

পেঙ্গুইন, পেঙ্গুইনগুলি

a bird that looks like a pigeon but smaller, the white one of which is the symbol of peace


a large bird with long legs and neck that lives near water and flies with its neck outstretched


a black and yellow insect that collects nectar and produces wax and honey, which can fly and sting


a flying insect with a long, thin body and large, typically brightly colored wings


a large, typically black insect, which has a hard case on its back that covers its wings

কীটপতঙ্গ, গেদু

a long and small wormlike larva of a moth or butterfly that has many limbs

কীটপতঙ্গের লার্ভা, চর্মিকা

a flying insect with a pair of colorful wings, mostly found around rivers

ড্রাগনফ্লাই, ড্রাগন

an insect known for its chirping sound, found in grassy areas, mostly active at night


a nocturnal winged insect similar to a butterfly that is attracted to the light

মথ, রাতের প্রজাপতি

a leaping, flying insect with long back legs that feeds on plants and makes a chirping sound


a small creature that spins webs to catch insects for food, with eight legs and two fangs by which poison is injected to its prey


a small leaping insect that feeds on the blood of humans or other animals, which spreads disease

পা, বিদ্ধাস

a small brownish bug with an oval shape that feeds on the blood of humans or animals, mainly infesting houses and beds

শোবার ঘরের পোকা, বিছানা পোকা

a large brown insect with a broad body, wings, long legs and antennae, considered a household pest

কাকরজ, কাকড়

a large usually green predatory insect that catches its prey by its forelimbs, which holds motionless in a prayer state

মেঘপাড়া, মোল্লা পিপঁড়ে