Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B1 - Obchod a pracoviště
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o podnikání a pracovištích, jako je „manage“, „promote“, „trade“ atd. připravená pro studenty B1.
to send goods or services to a foreign country for sale or trade
exportovat, odebírat zboží
to buy goods from a foreign country and bring them to one's own
to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit
investovat, vkládat
a place where people work, particularly behind a desk
kancelář, pracoviště
an agreement between two or more parties, typically involving the exchange of goods, services, or property
dohoda, smlouva
a sum of money that one is ready to pay for something
nabídka, propozice
a paid job that often requires a high level of education and training
profese, povolání
a profession or a series of professions that one can do for a long period of one's life
kariéra, profese
a person's profession or job, typically the means by which they earn a living
povolání, zaměstnání
a promise, an arrangement, or a contract between two or more people
dohoda, smlouva
an official agreement between two or more sides that states what each of them has to do
smlouva, kontrakt
a document that says what goals a company has for the future and how they could be achieved
podnikatelský plán, plán podnikání
to ask someone questions to see whether they are qualified for a course of study, job, etc.
provést pohovor, interviewovat
a meeting at which one is asked some questions to see whether one is qualified for a course of study, job, etc.
pohovor, interview
the act of trying to achieve a goal by doing better than others who are also aiming for the same goal
konkurence, soutěž
a situation or a chance where doing or achieving something particular becomes possible or easier
příležitost, šance
doing an activity as a job and not just for fun
profesionální, odborný
related to the purchasing and selling of different goods and services
komerční, obchodní
(plural) necessary things, such as food, medicines, clothes, etc. for a group of people
zboží, doplňky
costumer's need or desire for specific goods or services
poptávka, požadavek
the work done by a person, organization, company, etc. for the benefit of others
služba, servis
a deep hole or large tunnel in the ground where workers dig for salt, gold, coal, etc.
důl, ložisko
a place, such as a factory, in which an industrial process happens or where power is produced
závod, továrna
a building or room in which particular goods are made or fixed by different means
dílna, pracovna
a place where vehicles are serviced or repaired
garáž, autoservis
the place where the main offices of a large company or organization are located
ústředí, hlavní kancelář
without a job and seeking employment
nezaměstnaný, bez práce
someone who buys and uses services or goods
spotřebitel, spotřebitelka
one of the owners of a business or company who shares the expenses, profits, and losses
partner, společník
having the needed skills, knowledge, or experience for a job, activity, etc.
kvalifikovaný, způsobilý
a group of people with particular skill sets who participate in a common activity
posádka, tým
to be in charge of the work of a team, organization, department, etc.
řídit, spravovat
(usually plural) means such as equipment, money, manpower, etc. that a person or organization can benefit from
a business or company, particularly one owned by two or more partners
firma, společnost
the act or process of selling or advertising a product or service, usually including market research
marketing, propagace
having an occupation that provides one with a salary
pracující, zaměstnaná
having the necessary experience or knowledge to perform well in a particular field
zručný, kvalifikovaný