
Kniha English File - Předstředně pokročilý - Lekce 7A

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 7A v učebnici English File Pre-Intermediate, jako je „hope“, „offer“, „catch“ atd.









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English File - Pre-intermediate
to decide

to think carefully about different things and choose one of them

rozhodnout, vybrat

rozhodnout, vybrat

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food that is bought from a restaurant, etc. to be eaten elsewhere

s sebou, jídlo s sebou

s sebou, jídlo s sebou

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[Přídavné jméno]
to forget

to not be able to remember something or someone from the past

zapomenout, nepamatovat si

zapomenout, nepamatovat si

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to turn off

to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

vypnout, odpojit

vypnout, odpojit

Google Translate
to hope

to want something to happen or be true

doufat, přát si

doufat, přát si

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to see

to notice a thing or person with our eyes

vidět, pozorovat

vidět, pozorovat

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to learn

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

učit se, získávat znalosti

učit se, získávat znalosti

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to drive

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

řídit, ovládat

řídit, ovládat

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to need

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

potřebovat, mít potřebu

potřebovat, mít potřebu

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to offer

to present or propose something to someone

nabídnout, navrhnout

nabídnout, navrhnout

Google Translate
to help

to give someone what they need

pomoci, podpořit

pomoci, podpořit

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to plan

to decide on and make arrangements or preparations for something ahead of time

plánovat, připravovat

plánovat, připravovat

Google Translate
to get married

to legally become someone's wife or husband

to pretend

to act in a specific way in order to make others believe that something is the case when actually it is not so

předstírat, simulovat

předstírat, simulovat

Google Translate
to be

used when naming, or giving description or information about people, things, or situations

být, nacházet se

být, nacházet se

Google Translate
to promise

to tell someone that one will do something or that a particular event will happen

slíbit, zavázat se

slíbit, zavázat se

Google Translate
to pay

to give someone money in exchange for goods or services

platit, uhradit

platit, uhradit

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to remember

to bring a type of information from the past to our mind again

pamatovat si, vzpomínat

pamatovat si, vzpomínat

Google Translate
to bring

to come to a place with someone or something

přinést, vzít s sebou

přinést, vzít s sebou

Google Translate
to start

to begin something new and continue doing it, feeling it, etc.

začít, spustit

začít, spustit

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to rain

(of water) to fall from the sky in the shape of small drops

pršet, kapat

pršet, kapat

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to try

to make an effort or attempt to do or have something

zkusit, snažit se

zkusit, snažit se

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to find

to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of

najít, objevit

najít, objevit

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to want

to wish to do or have something



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to catch

to stop and hold an object that is moving through the air by hands

chytit, zachytit

chytit, zachytit

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used to make an offer or request in a polite manner

chtěl byste, rád byste

chtěl byste, rád byste

Google Translate
to like

to wish for or want something, especially used with would or should as a polite formula

chtít, líbit se

chtít, líbit se

Google Translate
to buy

to get something in exchange for paying money

koupit, získat

koupit, získat

Google Translate
to make sure

to take steps to confirm if something is correct, safe, or properly arranged

to wear

to have something such as clothes, shoes, etc. on your body

nosit, mít na sobě

nosit, mít na sobě

Google Translate
to ask

to use words in a question form or tone to get answers from someone

ptát se, žádat

ptát se, žádat

Google Translate
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