Kniha Total English - Středně pokročilý - Lekce 2 – Lekce 2
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 2 – Lekce 2 v učebnici Total English Intermediate, jako je „prezentátor“, „satelit“, „úchop“ atd.
related to the purchasing and selling of different goods and services

komerční, obchodní

(of signals or data) representing and processing data as series of the digits 0 and 1 in electronic signals

digitální, číselný

someone who appears in a TV or radio show, introducing different sections

moderátor, moderátorka

a person or organization that creates, designs, or manufactures goods in order to sell them in the market for profit

výrobce, producent

a performance, typically in the context of theater, music, or other artistic events

program, programová nabídka

an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information

satelit, meteorologický satelit

the flat panel on a television, computer, etc. on which images and information are displayed


to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use

nastavit, upravit

an individual who watches content, such as videos, TV programs, or live streams, through traditional broadcasting channels or digital platforms

divák, sledovatel

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

nudný, otravný

providing amusement, often through humor, drama, or skillful performance

zábavný, poutavý

exciting and intriguing in a way that attracts one's attention

uchvacující, napínavý

producing feelings of motivation, enthusiasm, or admiration

inspirační, inspirovaný

causing or capable of provoking a sensation of disgust or nausea

nauseózní, nechutný