Kniha Total English - Středně pokročilý - Lekce 1 - Slovní zásoba
Zde najdete slova z Lekce 1 – Slovní zásoba v učebnici Total English Intermediate, jako například „vidět červeně“, „eventuálně“, „vyprávět“ atd.
to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

překonat, uzdravit se z

a discussion, typically a serious one, between two or more people with different views

argument, diskuze

the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

podnikání, firma

a familiar or humorous name given to someone that is connected with their real name, appearance, or with something they have done

přezdívka, nick

(of an animal or plant) living or growing in a natural state, without any human interference

divoký, přírodní

a type of athletic shoe that has pointed protrusions on the sole, designed to provide better traction and grip on surfaces such as grass, dirt, or track

atletická obuv, spike

a person who is good at sports and physical exercise, and often competes in sports competitions

atlet, sportovec

after or at the end of a series of events or an extended period

nakonec, konečně

used to refer to a time in the past, showing how much time has passed before the present moment

před, zpětně

from a time in the past until a particular time, typically the present

od té doby co, protože

to express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone's behavior or actions

napomenout, vynadat

to look or act like an older member of the family, especially one's parents

podobat se, zdědit

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

starat se o, pečovat o

to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal

vycházet dobře, mít dobré vztahy