
Lidské Vlastnosti a Kvality - Chamtivost

Prozkoumejte anglická přísloví, která zobrazují chamtivost pomocí rčení jako „pochop vše, ztrať vše“ a „touha nemá hranice“.







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Human Traits & Qualities
desire has no limit

used to imply that people are never completely satisfied and are always seeking more wealth, power, or other forms of success, and that this drive can lead to both positive and negative outcomes

(many) go (out) for wool and come home shorn

used to imply that when someone sets out to gain something, often through dishonest or risky means, they are likely to end up losing everything they have, including what they started with

mnozí jdou pro vlnu a vracejí se domů ostříhaní

mnozí jdou pro vlnu a vracejí se domů ostříhaní

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greedy never gets

used to suggest that when someone is too greedy or selfish, they are less likely to achieve their goals or gain what they want

chamtivý nikdy nedostane

chamtivý nikdy nedostane

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the more you get, the more you want

used to suggest that as someone gains more possessions, wealth, or success, their desires tend to grow, leading to a never-ending cycle of wanting more

čím víc dostaneš, tím víc chceš

čím víc dostaneš, tím víc chceš

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pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered

used to emphasize the importance of balance and moderation, and warns that taking more than one needs or is entitled to can be dangerous and lead to negative outcomes or loss

prasata tloustnou, prasata se porážejí

prasata tloustnou, prasata se porážejí

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(he) who grasps at too much loses everything

used to caution against being overly ambitious, as trying to take on too much or being too greedy can lead to failure or loss

kdo se chopí příliš mnoho, ztrácí všechno

kdo se chopí příliš mnoho, ztrácí všechno

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grasp all, lose all

used to suggest that attempting to have or do everything at once can lead to negative consequences and that people should focus on what is essential and achievable

uchopit vše, ztratit vše

uchopit vše, ztratit vše

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a person with too much ambition cannot sleep in peace

used to suggest that when someone is overly ambitious, they may experience anxiety or restlessness, as they are constantly striving for more and worrying about achieving their goals

člověk s přílišnými ambicemi nemůže v klidu spát

člověk s přílišnými ambicemi nemůže v klidu spát

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