Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 6-7) - Manuální pracovní kariéra
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s Manual Labor Careers, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
someone who is employed in a factory and works there

dělník v továrně, pracovník továrny

a skilled laborer who performs various tasks in the construction industry, including but not limited to building, renovating, and repairing structures

stavební dělník, pracovník ve stavebnictví

a skilled craftsman who works with stone, brick, or concrete to build structures such as walls, buildings, etc.

zedník, kámeník

a person who works in a mine, extracting minerals, coal, or other valuable materials from the earth

havíř, měděník

a worker who puts together components to form finished products

montér, sestavovatel

a skilled tradesperson who specializes in the construction, installation, repair, and maintenance of roofs on buildings

pokryvač, střechař

a tradesperson who installs and constructs iron or steel structures

železář, svářeč

a trained individual who makes and repairs metal objects for industry

kotelník, svářeč

a person involved in the production or shaping of steel, often in a factory or mill setting

ocelář, metalurg

an individual who prepares and packages products for shipment or storage

balicí, balíč

a person whose job is to deliver goods or packages to different locations

doručovatel, kurýr

a female person who delivers goods or packages to various destinations

žena, která doručuje

an individual who operates large vehicles to transport goods over long distances

řidič kamionu, šofér nákladního vozu

a person whose job is repairing and maintaining motor vehicles and machinery


a person or company involved in the construction and design of ships

stavitel lodí, loděnice

an individual responsible for controlling and maintaining machines in a manufacturing or production setting

obsluha stroje, operátor stroje

someone whose job includes heavy physical work that does not require much skill

dělník, pracovník