Složené předložky - Účel a záměr
Prozkoumejte anglické složené předložky pro vyjádření účelu a záměru, včetně „kvůli“ a „aby“.
because of caring about someone or something and wanting to make a situation better for them
ve prospěch někoho nebo něčeho
with the intention or aim of achieving a specific objective or goal
za účelem
with the goal of providing help or support to someone or something
ve prospěch
motivated by a feeling of worry, care, or consideration for someone or something
z obavy o
in the act of seeking, striving for, or trying to achieve something
v honbě za
with the expectation or desire for a particular outcome or result
v naději na
with the expectation or desire for a positive outcome
s nadějí na
with consideration for the benefit, well-being, or advantage of someone or something
v zájmu
with the intention of achieving a specific goal or outcome
with a deliberate purpose or plan to accomplish a specific objective
s úmyslem