Akademický IELTS (Pásmo 5 a Níže) - Cestování a turismus
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s cestováním a cestovním ruchem, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku Basic Academic IELTS.
an official document issued by a government that identifies someone as a citizen of a particular country, which is needed when leaving a country and entering another one
an official mark on someone's passport that allows them to enter or stay in a country
vízum, víza
someone traveling in a vehicle, aircraft, ship, etc. who is not the pilot, driver, or a crew member
cestující, cestující
someone whose job is taking tourists to interesting locations
průvodce, turistický průvodce
a journey for pleasure, during which we visit several different places
tur, exkurze
a building where we give money to stay and eat food in when we are traveling
hotel, pension
suitcases, bags, etc. to keep one's clothes and other belongings while traveling
zavazadlo, malé zavazadlo
a case with a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when we are traveling
kufr, zavazadlo
a structure or a place that is historically important
orientační bod, historická památka
something that we usually buy and bring back for other people from a place that we have visited on vacation
suvenýr, památka
a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights
the act of travelling between two or more places, especially when there is a long distance between them
cesta, výlet
a hotel near the road suitable for people who are on a road trip, usually with rooms arranged in a row and parking places outside
motel, hotel u silnice
a company or business that provides air transportation services for people and goods
letecká společnost, letecký dopravce
a book that provides tourists with information about their destination
turistický průvodce, kniha o cestování
the act of arranging something, such as a seat or a hotel room to be kept for you to use later at a particular time
a ticket or card that passengers must show to be allowed on a ship or plane
palubní vstupenka, vstupenka na palubu
a building where trains, buses, planes, or ships start or finish their journey
autobusové nádraží, stanice
a business that makes arrangements for people who want to travel
cestovní kancelář, turistická agentura
the act of postponing or putting off something that was scheduled or expected to happen at a particular time
zpoždění, odklad
to visit interesting and well-known places
prohlížet, navštěvovat
to arrange something to be kept for later use
rezervovat, zarezervovat
to leave a hotel after returning your room key and paying the bill
odhlásit se, opustit hotel
to confirm your presence or reservation in a hotel or airport after arriving
přihlásit se, udělat check-in
to reserve a specific thing such as a seat, ticket, hotel room, etc.
rezervovat, sjednat
a shelter that usually consists of a long sheet of cloth, nylon, etc. supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, that we especially use for camping
stan, přístřešek