Erweiterter Wortschatz für den GRE - Die Seele einer seelenlosen Welt
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter über Gesellschaft und Religion, wie zum Beispiel „disperse“, „dogma“, „litany“ usw., die für die GRE-Prüfung benötigt werden.
to make a request or prayer for something, particularly in an earnest and humble manner
![anflehen, bitten](
anflehen, bitten
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to feel or display a great amount of respect toward something or someone
![verehren, wertschätzen](
verehren, wertschätzen
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an ancestral or ancient trait, feeling, outlook, activity, etc. that modern humans revert to
![Atavismus, Urmerkmal](
Atavismus, Urmerkmal
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someone who strongly believes that their gender, race, country, or group is superior
![Schovinist, Nationalist](
Schovinist, Nationalist
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an interpretation and thorough explanation of a piece of writing, particularly a religious one
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an individual who acts according to the belief that pursuing pleasure is of the highest importance in life
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an individual who criticizes and attacks beliefs, ideas, customs, etc. that are generally cherished or accepted
![Ikonoklast, Traditionsbrecher](
Ikonoklast, Traditionsbrecher
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an individual who is not concerned with morality and overindulges in pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure
![Libertin, Wohlleben](
Libertin, Wohlleben
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a religious service that consists of the leading person saying some prayers followed by set responses from the people who are participating
![Litanei, Anrufung](
Litanei, Anrufung
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all that relates to the magical and supernatural, their events, practices, powers, etc.
![Okkultismus, das Okkulte](
Okkultismus, das Okkulte
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a statement meaning to predict or guess the events of the future
![Prognose, Vorhersage](
Prognose, Vorhersage
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an individual who lives by themselves and avoids all sorts of contact with other people
![Eremit, Zurückgezogen](
Eremit, Zurückgezogen
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a disposition or behavior that is extremely immoral or wicked
![Verworfenheit, Schändlichkeit](
Verworfenheit, Schändlichkeit
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expressing or experiencing deep regret or guilt because of a wrong act that one has committed
![reuevoll, bereuend](
reuevoll, bereuend
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following or conforming to established beliefs or accepted norms
![orthodox, konventionell](
orthodox, konventionell
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behaving in a manner that shows one's high moral standards
![prinzipiell, moralisch](
prinzipiell, moralisch
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extremely important, to the point that it is not allowed to be condemned or changed
![heilig, unantastbar](
heilig, unantastbar
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