المفردات المتقدمة للاختبار GRE - روح عالم بلا روح
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول المجتمع والدين، مثل "disperse"، و"dogma"، و"litany"، وما إلى ذلك، اللازمة لامتحان GRE.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to make one feel isolated or hostile toward a person or group
ينفصل, يُبعد
to make a request or prayer for something, particularly in an earnest and humble manner
يتوسل, يطلب بإلحاح
to feel or display a great amount of respect toward something or someone
يقدّس, يكرّم
an ancestral or ancient trait, feeling, outlook, activity, etc. that modern humans revert to
العودة إلى الأجداد, صفة أنساب
someone who strongly believes that their gender, race, country, or group is superior
شوفيني, متحيز
a moment in which one comes to a sudden realization
إيبيفاني, رؤية مفاجئة
an interpretation and thorough explanation of a piece of writing, particularly a religious one
an individual who acts according to the belief that pursuing pleasure is of the highest importance in life
an individual who criticizes and attacks beliefs, ideas, customs, etc. that are generally cherished or accepted
مهاجم الأفكار التقليدية, كاسر الأصنام
an individual who is not concerned with morality and overindulges in pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure
تحرري, لا أخلاقي
a religious service that consists of the leading person saying some prayers followed by set responses from the people who are participating
ليتوانيا, صلاة تكرارية
all that relates to the magical and supernatural, their events, practices, powers, etc.
الكابالا, علم الغيب
a statement meaning to predict or guess the events of the future
توقع, تنبؤ
an individual who lives by themselves and avoids all sorts of contact with other people
الانطوائي, الناسك
an act that is considered to be impolite or unacceptable
سوليسيم, تصرف غير مقبول
a disposition or behavior that is extremely immoral or wicked
انحطاط, فساد
expressing or experiencing deep regret or guilt because of a wrong act that one has committed
تائب, نادم
following or conforming to established beliefs or accepted norms
أرثوذكسي, تقليدي
behaving in a manner that shows one's high moral standards
مبدئي, أخلاقي
extremely important, to the point that it is not allowed to be condemned or changed
مقدس, غير قابل للتغيير
behaving in a manner that is impolite and not in accordance with the situation
غير لائق, غير مناسب