Akademisches IELTS (Band 5 und Darunter) - Computer
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Computer, die für die grundlegende akademische IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
to be able to use the information from a computer system, network, database, etc.

a type of image file that uses lossless compression to reduce file size without compromising image quality

GIF, GIF-Datei

(computing) a small picture on a computer screen, etc. representing a program that when clicked will start running

Ikone, Symbol

an area on a computer where the icons of programs are displayed

Desktop, Bildschirmfläche

(computing) a temporary storage area for data that has been copied or cut

Zwischenablage, Clipboard

(computing) a type of computer memory in which information that is often in use can be stored temporarily, a cache can be accessed quickly and is needed while a program is running

Cache, Speicher

a camera connected to a computer that is used for recording or broadcasting videos of the user


a picture that appears on the computer screen after a few minutes of inactivity

Bildschirmschoner, Bildschirm Saver

(in electronic devices such as computers, etc.) the main printed circuit board that makes it possible for all the parts of a computer to communicate

Hauptplatine, Motherboard

the act of entering or starting to use a computer system or an online account

Einloggen, Log-in
to create a number of copies of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.

drucken, veröffentlichen

(computing) to prepare a storage device, such as a hard drive or USB, for use by deleting all the data on it and setting it up for a specific file system

formatieren, vorbereiten

to alter or manipulate an image using Adobe Photoshop or a similar digital editing software

photoshoppen, bearbeiten

(computing) to update a display, internet page, etc. and make the most recent information appear
