Akademisches IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - Texturen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Texturen, die für die akademische IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
having a texture that easily breaks into small, thin layers or pieces

blättrig, schuppig

having a texture that is soft and mushy, often referring to food that has been overripe or crushed

fruchtig, breiig

having a surface or structure that is shaped with parallel grooves, ridges, or folds, often used for added strength or flexibility

wellblech, geriffelt

easily broken, cracked, or shattered due to the lack of flexibility and resilience

brüchig, zerbrechlich

having a smooth and shiny texture, typically describing hair, fur, or skin that appears healthy and well-maintained

glatt, glänzend

having one or more long, narrow, and usually parallel channels, furrows, or ridges

geriffelt, gerillt

capable of being hammered or manipulated into different forms without cracking or breaking

verformbar, deformierbar

(of a surface) having small, hollow indentations or depressions

vertieft, mit Vertiefungen

light, thin, and sheer in texture, often describing fabrics or materials that allow some light to pass through

durchsichtig, gazeartig