B2-Wortliste - Märchen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter über Märchen, wie „charm“, „curse“, „enchant“ usw., vorbereitet für B2-Lernende.
a fictional, large winged animal with a long tail that is usually able to breathe fire


a fictional, small human-like creature that generally lives under the ground and works in mines

Zwerg, fiktiver Zwerg

a fictional, small especially female creature that has magical powers, sometimes has the ability to grant wishes

Fee, Zauberwesen

a supernatural being in Arabian stories that has the power to grant wishes to those who summon or free them from a lamp, bottle, or other container


a fictional evil spirit or creature from Arabia stories that eats buried dead bodies

Ghul, Fleischfresser

a fictional small creature that likes to make trouble for humans or trick them

Goblin, Kobold

a fictional figure in Jewish stories, often made of clay or mud, that is brought to life using magic


a fictional, small man-like creature in Irish stories who is known for hiding pots of gold at the end of rainbows

Leprechaun, Kobold

a fictional, scary, and often large and threatening creature with supernatural abilities

Monster, Ungeheuer

a fictional creature that lives in woods, rivers, etc. and has the shape of a young woman


a fictional, often large bird with a long life that is reborn through fire and its own ashes


a fictional sea creature that is half-woman and half-bird or fish which draws sailors to dangerous waters by singing to them

Siren, Meeresnymphe

a fictional creature that leaves a coin for every fallen tooth of a child it takes

Zahnfee, die Zahnfee

any fictional creature in Scandinavian stories that some of which are large and frightening and some are small and mischievous

Troll, Trolle

a doll that is believed through which one can control or harm someone else

Voodoo-Puppe, Voodoo-Püppchen

a fictional person who is cursed and can transform into a large wolf and back to human form during full moon

Werwolf, Wolfsmensch

a fictional dead person or animal that is brought back to life through supernatural means

Zombie, Untoter

a mythological figure that is half-god and half-human, often possessing extraordinary abilities or powers

Halbgott, Demigott