Λίστα Λέξεων Επιπέδου C2 - Τιμή και θαυμασμό
Εδώ θα μάθετε όλες τις βασικές λέξεις για να μιλήσετε για Τιμή και Θαυμασμό, που έχουν συλλεχθεί ειδικά για μαθητές επιπέδου C2.
to felicitate
to express joy and good wishes to someone for their achievements or on special occasions
to commemorate
to recall and show respect for an important person, event, etc. from the past with an action or in a ceremony
a show of respect or admiration for someone or something, often expressed through a creative work such as a painting, poem, or song

Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek