Certeza y Duda - Evaluación y Especulación 1
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con la evaluación y la especulación, como "conjecture", "calculate" y "bet".
Tarjetas de memoria
to estimate or assess the value, quality, or performance of something or someone
the act of evaluating someone or something in order to form an opinion or judgment about them
to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation
the act of judging or evaluating someone or something carefully based on specific standards or principles
to form an opinion by considering the information at hand
the process of using one's information or judgment in order to guess the outcome of a situation
an ending to an episode of a series that keeps the audience in suspense
situación tensa
(of a situation, movie, etc.) having an unclear ending that makes it enticing
de suspense
used to refer to an attempt or a guess that was close to achieve success but failed to do so
por poco
used specifically in children’s games to say that someone is far away from guessing the correct answer or finding a hidden person or object
being primarily based on pure guess-work rather than definite knowledge
an idea that is based on guesswork and not facts
to form an idea or opinion about something with limited information or unclear evidence
hacer conjecturas
a detailed judgment of something, such as a work of art, a political idea, etc.
to guess or deduce information through intuition or a sense of inner knowledge
used when one already knows something or can guess it beforehand
no me cuentes
a guess that is made according to one's experience or knowledge thus is more likely to be true
estimación fundamentada
to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation
a judgment or calculation of the size, extent, value, etc. of something without knowing the exact details or numbers
a judgment of or an opinion about the value or qualities of something