فهرست واژگان سطح B2 - صفات پرکاربرد 1
در اینجا چند صفت مفید انگلیسی مانند "دقیق"، "اضافی"، "مطلق" و غیره را که برای زبان آموزان B2 آماده شده است، یاد خواهید گرفت.
املای کلمه
displaying or possessing typical features or qualities of a particular person, place, or thing

کلیشهای, همیشگی
involving many different parts or elements that make something difficult to understand or deal with

پیچیده, بغرنج
extremely important or essential, often having a significant impact on the outcome of a situation

حیاتی, مهم
(of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity without wasting much time, effort, or money

using or having the power to decide on important matters, plans, etc. or to implement them

used to express one's disapproval of a name or term given to someone or something because one believes it is inappropriate

به اصطلاح, آنطور که میگویند