Vocabulaire Essentiel pour le GRE - Le Conflit
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur les conflits, tels que « breach », « complaisance », « retract », etc. qui sont nécessaires pour l'examen GRE.
something that is done, allowed, or allowed to have in order to put an end to a disagreement; the act of giving or allowing this

willingness to accept something or do what others want without question

acquiescement, consentement, assentiment
something given to someone in order to persuade or encourage them to do something particular

incitation, encouragement
the process in which a person is officially appointed to act as a judge and settle an argument

the action of talking to someone so that they help settle an argument or show kindness to someone else

willingness to do what makes others pleased and accept their opinions

complaisance, obligeance
anything that gives an advantage to a person or group when trying to reach an agreement

monnaie d'échange
a formal agreement, particularly one between a certain country and the Roman Catholic Church

accord, contrat, pacte
a verbal expression that features urging or encouraging someone to go after something

exhortation, incitation

the involvement in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse

the act of validating an agreement by signing it or voting for it

ratification, confirmation
to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute

se réconcilier
to act against an agreement, promise, etc.

ne pas honorer sa parole, ne pas tenir parole
to change one's opinions, beliefs, etc. to be like those of another person or group

to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first

concéder, admettre, reconnaître
to legally agree or to promise to do or give something to someone, particularly to make regular payments to a person or organization

s'engager à payer, se mettre d'accord sur