Essentiële Woordenschat voor de GRE - Onenigheid en overeenstemming
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over conflicten, zoals "breach", "complaisance", "retract", enz. die nodig zijn voor het GRE-examen.
something that is done, allowed, or allowed to have in order to put an end to a disagreement; the act of giving or allowing this
concessie, toestemming
willingness to accept something or do what others want without question
instemming, toegeving
an official agreement between two or more governments or states
verdrag, overeenkomst
an agreement reached by all members of a group
consensus, overeenkomst
something given to someone in order to persuade or encourage them to do something particular
aanmoediging, inducement
agreement and peace between people or a group of countries
overeenstemming, harmonie
the act of officially abolishing or ending a law, agreement, etc.
afschaffing, vernietiging
the act of not resisting something anymore and agreeing to it
capitulatie, overgave
an act that violates an agreement, law, etc.
overtreding, schending
secret agreement particularly made to deceive people
samenspanning, geheime overeenkomst
a formal agreement between countries
conventie, overeenkomst
the process in which a person is officially appointed to act as a judge and settle an argument
the action of talking to someone so that they help settle an argument or show kindness to someone else
interventie, bemiddeling
an organization or someone who helps others to reach an agreement
intermediair, bemiddelaar
willingness to do what makes others pleased and accept their opinions
meegaandheid, welwillendheid
anything that gives an advantage to a person or group when trying to reach an agreement
onderhandelingschip, onderhandelingsmiddel
a formal agreement, particularly one between a certain country and the Roman Catholic Church
a verbal expression that features urging or encouraging someone to go after something
aanmaning, aanmoediging
the involvement in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
interventie, tussenkomst
the act of validating an agreement by signing it or voting for it
ratificatie, goedkeuring
to encourage someone to do or believe something
beïnvloeden, overhalen
to draw back from what was said publicly before; often by force
terugtrekken, intrekken
to cause an agreement or relation to be breached
schenden, breken
an official agreement that puts an end to a dispute
schikking, overeenkomst
to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute
verzoenen, wederzijds verzoenen
to act against an agreement, promise, etc.
renegeren, niet nakomen
to legally invalidate an agreement, decision, etc.
nietig verklaren, ongeldig maken
to change one's opinions, beliefs, etc. to be like those of another person or group
heraligneren, aanpassen
following an agreement
overeenkomend, in overeenstemming
to persuade and convince a person to do something
overtuigen, overhalen
unlikely to cause an argument
onbetwistbaar, oncontroversieel
to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first
toegeven, erkennen
to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands
compromitteren, tot een overeenkomst komen
to legally agree or to promise to do or give something to someone, particularly to make regular payments to a person or organization
verbinden, afspreken
a confirmation that is clearly expressed
goedkeuring, steun
to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position
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