Le livre Solutions - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 2 - 2F
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 2 à 2F du manuel Solutions Intermédiaire Supérieur, tel que « prévention », « dissuader », « condamner », etc.
to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict

combattre, lutter contre

a sudden and often temporary increase or occurrence of something, often characterized by a distinctive movement or pattern

vague, ondulation

captured or stored in a permanent format, typically on media such as audio, video, or digital files, for later use or reproduction

enregistré, capturé

(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

reconnaître coupable
an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.

vendeur de drogue, vendeuse de drogue
a planned military or naval action, such as a maneuver, campaign, or mission, designed to achieve a specific goal

opération, manœuvre

a legal official who represents the state in criminal proceedings and brings charges against individuals or organizations suspected of breaking the law

procureur, ministère public

(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods

faire une descente, faire une rafle
to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

(of a judge) to explain the main points of a case to the jury at the end of a trial

répondre, résumer