समाधान - अपर-मध्यवर्ती - यूनिट 2 - 2एफ
यहां आपको सॉल्यूशंस अपर-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 2 - 2F की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "रोकथाम", "निवारक", "दोषी", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict
the number of times something changes or happens during a specific period of time
a sudden and often temporary increase or occurrence of something, often characterized by a distinctive movement or pattern
using or involving physical force that is intended to damage, harm, or kill
any action taken to avoid or reduce the risk of a negative outcome
used to describe something, typically a financial instrument like securities, that has been documented and registered with an official authority, such as a government agency or financial institution
to discourage or prevent someone from doing something, usually by creating fear or doubt in their mind
निवृत्त करना
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal
गिरफ्तार करना
to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law
दोषी ठहराना
an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.
मादक पदार्थों का व्यापारी
an organized activity involving multiple people doing various things to achieve a common goal
a legal official who represents the state in criminal proceedings and brings charges against individuals or organizations suspected of breaking the law
(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods
छापा मारना
to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law
सज़ा सुनाना
to briefly state the most important parts or facts of something
सारांश करना
a feeling of doubt or mistrust towards someone or something, often without concrete evidence or proof