पुस्तक English File – प्रारंभिक - पाठ 2बी
यहां आपको अंग्रेजी फ़ाइल एलीमेंट्री कोर्सबुक में पाठ 2बी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "सिल्वर", "क्लीन", "एम्प्टी", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
having a shiny, grayish-white color or the color of the metal silver
चांदी, चांदी का रंग
needing a lot of work or skill to do, understand, or deal with
कठिन, मुश्किल
having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature
ठंडा, शीतल
(of a thing) having been used or existing for a long period of time
पुराना, वृषभ
owning a very small amount of money or a very small number of things
गरीब, दीनहीन
the direction or side that is toward the east when someone or something is facing north
located or directed toward the side of a human body where the heart is
capable of destroying or causing harm to a person or thing
खतरनाक, जोखिमपूर्ण
not like another thing or person in form, quality, nature, etc.
अलग, भिन्न
having a color between white and black, like most koalas or dolphins
स्लेटी, धूसर