पुस्तक Headway - प्री-इंटरमीडिएट - रोजमर्रा की अंग्रेजी (यूनिट 4)
यहां आपको हेडवे प्री-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में एवरीडे इंग्लिश यूनिट 4 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "रेसिपी", "चम्मच", "शानदार", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them

आना, नजदीक आना

the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required

व्यंजन विधि

to transfer rights, ownership, or properties to someone else, typically through a legal or formal process

हस्तांतरित करना, सौंपना

a natural, white substance, obtained from mines and also found in seawater that is added to the food to make it taste better or to preserve it


a liquid with no smell, taste, or color, that falls from the sky as rain, and is used for washing, cooking, drinking, etc.


a sweet and cold dessert that is made from a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and various flavorings

आइसक्रीम, बर्फ का मीठा

a drink made by mixing hot water with crushed coffee beans, which is usually brown


the amount that fills a spoon, typically a standard eating or measuring spoon

चम्मच, चम्मच भर

a small amount of liquid or solid that falls or is released in a rounded shape

बूँद, गिरना

a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to make food and drinks sweet
