TOEFL के लिए आवश्यक शब्दावली - प्रसारण और पत्रकारिता
यहां आप प्रसारण और पत्रकारिता के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "सेंसर", "प्रेस", "रेटिंग", आदि जो टीओईएफएल परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
समीक्षा करें
to remove parts of something such as a book, movie, etc. and prevent the public from accessing them for political, moral, or religious purposes

संशोधित करना, हटाना

the activity of transmitting a signal, a message or a program that is being broadcast on radio or television

संप्रेषण, प्रसारण

a spoken description of an event while it is taking place, particularly on TV or radio


someone employed by a TV or radio station or a newspaper to report news from a particular country or on a particular matter

पत्रकार, सम्प्रेषक

a journalist who regularly writes articles on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine

कॉलम लेखक, पत्रिका लेखक

a newspaper article expressing the views of the editor on a particular subject

संपादकीय, संपादकीय लेख

the profession of collecting and editing pieces of news and articles either to be published in a newspaper, magazine, etc. or broadcast


an organization that gathers news stories for newspapers, TV, or radio stations

समाचार एजेंसी, समाचार संस्थान

a place in radio or television stations or a newspaper office where news is reviewed and put together to be broadcast or published

समाचार कक्ष, सम्पादकीय कक्ष

the number of people who read a particular magazine, newspaper, or book on a regular basis

पठक संख्या, पाठक वर्ग

the estimated number of people who watch a TV show or listen to a radio program

रेटिंग, समीक्षा

a newspaper with smaller pages and many pictures, covering stories about famous people and not much serious news

टैब्लॉइड, संतोषप्रद पत्रिका

a brief news program that is broadcast on the radio or television

बुलेटिन, समाचार बुलेटिन

the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold at regular intervals

सर्कुलेशन, प्रति

the quality or the act of receiving radio, television or cellphone signals

प्राप्ति, सिग्नल प्राप्ति

a group of people with special skills or knowledge who have been brought together to discuss, give advice, or make a decision about an issue

पैनल, विशेषज्ञों का समूह

a meeting during which a very important person talks to journalists and answers their questions or makes a statement

समाचार सम्मेलन, प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस

the time at which the largest number of people are watching TV or listening to the radio

प्राइम टाइम, प्रधान समय