
Könyv: English File - Haladó - 2B lecke

Itt megtalálja az angol File Advanced tankönyv 2B leckéjének szókészletét, például „keres”, „közelítő”, „hasonlít” stb.









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English File - Advanced
to look for

to try to find something or someone

keresni, kutatni

keresni, kutatni

Google Translate
to seek

to try to find a particular thing or person

keresni, kutatni

keresni, kutatni

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having no space left

teljes, megtelt

teljes, megtelt

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having all the necessary parts

teljes, kerek

teljes, kerek

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having a high speed when doing something, especially moving

gyors, fürge

gyors, fürge

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taking a short time to move, happen, or be done

gyors, fürge

gyors, fürge

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a set of two matching items that are designed to be used together or regarded as one



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a pair of things or people



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having a great space or extent between two points

távoli, remote

távoli, remote

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to or at a great distance

messze, távolról

messze, távolról

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the work that we do regularly to earn money

munka, állás

munka, állás

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a profession or a series of professions that one can do for a long period of one's life

karrier, szakma

karrier, szakma

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to hurt

to cause injury or physical pain to yourself or someone else

megsebezni, bántani

megsebezni, bántani

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(of a person or thing) harmed or spoiled

megrongálódott, károsodott

megrongálódott, károsodott

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close to a certain quality or quantity, but not exact or precise

megközelítő, megközelítőleg

megközelítő, megközelítőleg

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approximate or lacking in detail or refinement

durva, körülbelüli

durva, körülbelüli

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to a large extent or degree

erősen, nagymértékben

erősen, nagymértékben

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to a high level or degree

nagyon, rendkívül

nagyon, rendkívül

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in or to a position that is below something

alatt, alá

alatt, alá

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in a lower level, position, or place

alatt, lent

alatt, lent

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to go around

(of information or physical objects) to circulate or distribute something, often in a haphazard or informal manner

körbejárni, elterjedni

körbejárni, elterjedni

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to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement

elhalasztani, késleltetni

elhalasztani, késleltetni

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

meggyógyulni, túllépni

meggyógyulni, túllépni

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

kidolgozni, kitalálni

kidolgozni, kitalálni

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to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

folytatni, továbbmenni

folytatni, továbbmenni

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to make up

to create a false or fictional story or information

kitalálni, álmodni

kitalálni, álmodni

Google Translate
to dress up

to wear formal clothes for a special occasion or event

felöltözni, kibővít

felöltözni, kibővít

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to turn out

to emerge as a particular outcome

kiderül, megmutatkozik

kiderül, megmutatkozik

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to lay off

to dismiss employees due to financial difficulties or reduced workload

elbocsátani, leépíteni

elbocsátani, leépíteni

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to carry out

to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.

végrehajtani, megvalósítani

végrehajtani, megvalósítani

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marked by bringing bad fortune or ending in failure

szerencsétlen, fatális

szerencsétlen, fatális

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a man who shares a mother and father with us

férfi testvér

férfi testvér

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a lady who shares a mother and father with us



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a talk that is between two or more people and they tell each other about different things like feelings, ideas, and thoughts

beszélgetés, párbeszéd

beszélgetés, párbeszéd

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a piece of work for someone to do, especially as an assignment

feladat, munka

feladat, munka

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an extra benefit, advantage, or privilege that one receives in addition to one's salary due to one's job

előny, juttatás

előny, juttatás

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in opposition to someone or something

ellen, szemben

ellen, szemben

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to quit

to stop engaging in an activity permanently

abbahagyni, lemondani

abbahagyni, lemondani

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a person who is a male adult

férfi, ember

férfi, ember

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to resemble

to have a similar appearance or characteristic to someone or something else

hasonlít, megfelel

hasonlít, megfelel

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to need

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

szüksége van, megkíván

szüksége van, megkíván

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a financial aid provided by the government for people who are sick, unemployed, etc.

juttatás, segély

juttatás, segély

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to resign

to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.

lemond, távozik

lemond, távozik

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one's brother or sister

fivér, nővér

fivér, nővér

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a person, typically a male

srác, fiú

srác, fiú

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to look like

to resemble a thing or person in appearance

úgy néz ki mint, hasonlít valamire

úgy néz ki mint, hasonlít valamire

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experiencing something bad due to bad luck

szerencsétlen, balesetes

szerencsétlen, balesetes

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to require

to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation

megkövetel, szükséges

megkövetel, szükséges

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to chat

to send and receive messages on an online platform

csevegni, beszélgetni

csevegni, beszélgetni

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trying to stop something because one strongly disagrees with it

ellenkező, ellenséges

ellenkező, ellenséges

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a manner of speaking or writing that is characteristic of a particular person, group, or era, and that involves the use of particular words, phrases, or expressions in a distinctive way

idiom, kifejezés

idiom, kifejezés

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white lie

a small lie that does not cause any harm, especially told to avoid making someone upset

fehér hazugság, kicsi hazugság

fehér hazugság, kicsi hazugság

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to catch one's eye

to try to get a person's attention, particularly by attempting to make eye contact

what on earth

used to emphasize a question or statement, showing surprise or confusion

to the letter

in a very precise and exact way and with great attention to detail

betű szerint, nagy odafigyeléssel

betű szerint, nagy odafigyeléssel

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dead of (the) night

the part of the night that is the most quiet and dark

down to earth

(of a person) not showing pretentious behavior

a pain in the neck

a person or thing that causes one great annoyance or a lot of difficulty

the big picture

the overall view or perspective of a situation, rather than focusing on small details

to keep one's nose to the grindstone

to continuously put a lot of effort into doing something

gut feeling

a belief that is strong, yet without any explainable reason

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