Könyv: Headway - Haladó - 5. egység
Itt találja a Headway Intermediate tankönyv 5. részében található szókészletet, például „kuncogás”, „elsőbbségi”, „ledobás” stb.
to look after a child until they reach maturity
nevelni, felnevelni
to become famous and successful in a sudden and rapid manner
felszáll, híressé válni
to take a person or thing to a predetermined location and leave afterwards
lerakni, elvinni
to cross a physical barrier, such as a wall, fence, or obstacle
átugrani, áttérni
to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch
kikapcsolni, lecsatlakoztatni
to complete an official form or document by writing information on it
kitölteni, befogadni
to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks
felpróbálni, kipróbálni
to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.
keres, megnézni
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
gondoskodni valakiről, figyelni valakire
to thoroughly review, examine, or check something
áttekinteni, ellenőrizni
to choose someone as an example and follow their behavior or choices
példát venni, követni
to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties
feladni, lemondani
to succeed in passing or enduring a difficult experience or period
átvészel, túlél
to change one's opinion or decision regarding something
to carefully watch, consider, or listen to someone or something
to experience a pleasurable or enjoyable event or activity
to make a low sound that often expresses pain, grief, or disappointment
nyögni, sóhajtozni
to take steps to confirm if something is correct, safe, or properly arranged
to be deprived of or stop having someone or something
elveszíteni, feladni
the ability to accept or tolerate difficult or annoying situations without complaining or becoming angry
to laugh in a light, silly, or often uncontrollable way as a result of nervousness or embarrassment
kuncogni, nevetni
to gradually decrease in intensity, volume, or activity
elhalványul, csökken
to assign something, such as resources or funds, to a particular purpose or use
szentelni, rendelni
things that we cannot or do not need to name when we are talking about them
dolgok, cuccok
to closely watch a person or thing, particularly in order to make sure they are safe
a task, especially a household one, that is done regularly
feladat, háztartási munka
the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others
prioritás, előny
to do something that makes someone extremely upset, annoyed, or angry
used to refuse or decline to provide an answer or explanation to a question, often because the person being asked does not know the answer