本 Headway - 中級 - ユニット5
ここでは、Headway 中級コースブックのユニット 5 の「くすくす笑う」、「優先順位」、「ドロップオフ」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

オフにする, 電源を切る

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

世話をする, 面倒を見る

to carefully watch, consider, or listen to someone or something
the ability to accept or tolerate difficult or annoying situations without complaining or becoming angry


to laugh in a light, silly, or often uncontrollable way as a result of nervousness or embarrassment

くすくす笑う, 笑い声を上げる

to assign something, such as resources or funds, to a particular purpose or use

捧げる, 割り当てる

to closely watch a person or thing, particularly in order to make sure they are safe
the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others

優先, 優先事項

to do something that makes someone extremely upset, annoyed, or angry