Könyv: Insight - Felső-középhaladó - 2. egység - 2A
Itt találja az Insight Upper-Intermediate tankönyv 2. - 2A. részében található szókincset, például „megélhetés”, „veszély”, „elkerülhetetlenül” stb.
a large marine mammal like a seal with two large tusks that lives in Arctic regions
a situation in which one has just enough money or food to survive
megélhetés, tartózkodás
(of weather) uncomfortably hot and lacking air circulation
fojtogató, fullasztó
having or displaying a lot of knowledge or great understanding
mély, alapos
to expose someone or something to potential harm or risk
veszélyeztet, kockáztat
in a way that cannot be stopped or avoided, and certainly happens
elkerülhetetlenül, biztosan
the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one
felelősség, kötelesség
an advantage or a helpful effect that is the result of a situation
előny, haszon
to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner
követelni, igényelni
the quality of being related or useful to the current situation or topic
relevancia, fontosság
to admire someone because of their achievements, qualities, etc.
an understanding of or information about a subject after studying and experiencing it
tudás, ismeret
any of the five natural abilities of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste
originating from or created by nature, not made or caused by humans
természetes, igazi
an area of land that is curved and partly encloses a part of the sea
öböl, zátony
the part of a river that is wide and where it meets the sea
a large mass of ice that forms over long periods of time, especially in polar regions or high mountains
a large piece of floating ice that has broken off from an ice sheet and is floating on the water
jégmező, úszó jégdarab
a small and narrow river that runs on or under the earth
patak, folyó
a group of mountains or hills in a line
hegység, hegyvonulat
a large body of land that is partially surrounded by water but is attached to a larger area of land
félsziget, fősziget
an area containing still water that is comparatively smaller than a lake, particularly one that is made artificially
tó, vizes gödör
an area of land that is covered with water or is always very wet
mocsár, tópart
the expansive flat Arctic regions, of North America, Asia, and Europe, in which no trees grow and the soil is always frozen
any of the rocky bodies orbiting the sun, ranging greatly in diameter, also found in large numbers between Jupiter and Mars
a specific group of stars that form a pattern and have a name related to their shape
a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force
a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit the surface of the earth
meteorit, meteor
the circular object going round the earth, visible mostly at night
a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star
bolygó, égitest
the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth
naprendszer, bolygórendszer
(astronomy) a shining point found in large numbers in the night sky
the large, bright star in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat
all that exists in the physical world, such as space, planets, galaxies, etc.