Fizikai Emberi Tulajdonságok Melléknevei - A szépség és a stílus melléknevei
Ezek a melléknevek egy személy vizuális vonzerejéről, bájáról, vonzerejéről vagy eleganciájáról adnak tájékoztatást.
having features or characteristics that are pleasing
vonzó, csábító
(of a person) attractive, stylish, or beautiful
elegáns, elegáns
(of a person) attractive and with a good taste in fashion
stílusos, elegáns
(of a person) physically attractive in a way that draws attention
szexi, vonzó
having hair growing on the lower part of one's face
bajuszos, bajsza van
(of a person's appearance) clean and attractive
bemutatható, ápolt
(typically of a man) having well-defined and sharply contoured facial features, often giving the impression of strength and attractiveness
jól megformált, szoborszerű
moving or behaving in an elegant, pleasing, and attractive way
bájos, elegáns
(typically of a man) stylish and neat in appearance, often characterized by well-groomed attire and attention to detail
stílusos, csinos
(of a person's style or clothes) dressy and fashionable, often conveying a sense of sophistication and elegance.
elegáns, divatos
unfashionable, outdated, and unattractive, often giving a sloppy appearance
divatjamúlt, csúnyácska
(of a woman) unfashionable, unattractive, or lacking in style and elegance, often due to outdated clothing choices or a conservative appearance
elavult, mellőzött
following the latest or the most popular styles and trends in a specific period
divatos, stílusos