Przymiotniki Fizycznych Cech Ludzkich - Przymiotniki piękna i stylu
Przymiotniki te dostarczają informacji o atrakcyjności wizualnej, uroku, atrakcyjności lub elegancji osoby.
(of a person) physically attractive in a way that draws attention

seksowny, atrakcyjny

(typically of a man) having well-defined and sharply contoured facial features, often giving the impression of strength and attractiveness

wyrazisty, rzeźbiony

moving or behaving in an elegant, pleasing, and attractive way

grację, elegancki

(typically of a man) stylish and neat in appearance, often characterized by well-groomed attire and attention to detail

elegancki, zadbany

(of a person's style or clothes) dressy and fashionable, often conveying a sense of sophistication and elegance.

elegancki, stylowy

unfashionable, outdated, and unattractive, often giving a sloppy appearance

przestarzały, nieatrakcyjny

(of a woman) unfashionable, unattractive, or lacking in style and elegance, often due to outdated clothing choices or a conservative appearance

niemodny, zaniedbany