Segítő és Ártó Igék - Igék a gyilkoláshoz és a legyengítéshez
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek a gyilkolásra és legyengítésre utalnak, mint például a „slay”, „behead” és „sassinate”.
to kill a large number of people, often in a harsh and heartless manner

lemészárol, megöl

to murder a prominent figure in a sudden attack, usually for political purposes

meggyilkolni, ölni

to eliminate someone, often perceived as a threat, by causing their death

likvidálni, eltávolítani

to pursue wild animals in order to kill or catch them, for sport or food

vadászni, kergetni

to attack or expose someone or something to gas or harmful fumes

gázzal támadni, gázzal megölni

to block someone or something's access to air, making it difficult or impossible to breathe

fullaszt, folytogat

to stop someone or something from breathing by covering or blocking the air

fullasztani, elnyomni

to end someone's life by squeezing their throat, cutting off their air supply

felfogni, fojtogatni

to make a part of the body lose sensation or responsiveness

érzéketlenné tenni, érzésteleníteni

to cause a person, animal, or part of the body to lose the ability to move or function, usually due to injury or illness

megbénít, irányítani

to inflict severe damage to someone's body so that they are unable to walk or move properly

sérültté tesz, bénít

to make someone unable to see by causing damage to their eyes

megvakítani, megsüketíteni

to cause someone to lose the use of a limb, particularly a leg

sántává tesz, rokkanttá tesz