Tárgyakhoz Kapcsolódó Módhatározók - Alak és textúra határozói
Ezek a határozószavak egy objektum alakját, textúráját vagy sűrűségét írják le, például „egyenletesen”, „durván”, „tömören” stb.
with an irregular or ragged appearance
egyenetlenül, szabálytalanul
in a way that the two sides or halves of something correspond in size or shape
szimmetrikusan, szimmetrikus módon
in a way that the two sides or halves of something do not correspond in size or shape
in a manner that follows or forms a circle
körkörösen, kör alakban
in a way that something covers a large area with a small amount or layer
vékonyan, enyhén
in a way that has a lot of substance or density
sűrűn, bőségesen
in a way that is clearly defined or distinct
élesen, határozottan
in a manner that is uneven or rough in appearance
élesen, recés módon
with less attention to detail, indicating a casual approach
kb, durván
in a manner that is closely compacted or crowded, with a high concentration of something in a given area
sűrűn, sűrített módon
in a closely packed or condensed manner
kompakt módon, sűrűen
in a manner that is firm, inflexible, or resistant to change
mereven, szigorúan
in a way that can bend, adapt, or adjust easily without breaking or losing integrity
rugalmasan, rugalmassággal
in a way that has symmetry and uniformity in proportions
egyenletesen, sima
used to indicate that something is being applied or made in a manner that is not thick or wide
vékonyan, finoman
in a smooth manner that flows easily
folyékonyan, zökkenőmentesen