Lényeges Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Személyes jellemzők
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a személyes jellemzőkről, mint például "arrogant", "stubborn", "daring" stb., amelyek szükségesek a TOEFL vizsgához.
showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

öntelt, gőgös

not truthful or trustworthy, often engaging in immoral behavior

tisztességtelen, hazug

showing concern for the well-being of others and being kind and supportive in one's actions and interactions

gondoskodó, törődő

acting in a way that goes against accepted moral standards or principles

erkölcstelen, morálistalan

thinking deeply about oneself and one's experiences, often resulting in new understandings or realizations

töprengő, elmélkedő

able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious


unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so

makacs, kitartó

confident and energetic and wanting to spend time with others

extrovertált, társasági

quiet and shy and wanting to spend time with oneself instead of with others

introvertált, félénk

having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen


having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen

pesszimista, negatív

(of a person) having trust in one's abilities and qualities

önbizalommal teli, magabiztos

giving much attention to something or someone with interest

figyelmes, odafigyelő

doing things or moving in a way that lacks control and care, usually causing accidents

ügyetlen, bénázó

behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

excentrikus, szokatlan

having or showing intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something

lelkes, szenvedélyes

able to be relied on to do what is needed or asked of

megbízható, bizalomgerjesztő

having an excessive and intense desire for something, especially wealth, possessions, or power

kapzsi, törekvő

not fully developed mentally or emotionally, often resulting in behaviors or reactions that are childish

éretlen, gyerekes

displaying kindness and patience when interacting with others

jószívű, barátságos

showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good

együtt érző, sensible

showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them

toleráns, elnéző