Podstawowe Słownictwo do TOEFL - Cechy osobiste
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów dotyczących cech osobistych, takich jak „arogancki”, „uparty”, „odważny” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu TOEFL.
showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
arogancki, wyniosły
expressing no fear when faced with danger or difficulty
odważny, dzielny
not truthful or trustworthy, often engaging in immoral behavior
nieuczciwy, kłamliwy
showing concern for the well-being of others and being kind and supportive in one's actions and interactions
troskliwy, opiekuńczy
kind and generous toward the less fortunate
charytatywny, hojny
(of people or actions) displaying honesty or sincerity
szczery, autentyczny
acting in a way that goes against accepted moral standards or principles
niemoralny, amoralny
thinking deeply about oneself and one's experiences, often resulting in new understandings or realizations
refleksyjny, myślący
able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious
unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so
uparty, nieustępliwy
confident and energetic and wanting to spend time with others
ekstrawertyczny, towarzyski
quiet and shy and wanting to spend time with oneself instead of with others
introwertyczny, nieśmiały
having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen
having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen
pesymistyczny, negatywny
(of a person) having trust in one's abilities and qualities
pewny siebie, zdecydowany
giving much attention to something or someone with interest
uważny, ekspresyjny
(of a person) careful to avoid danger or mistakes
ostrożny, przezorny
doing things or moving in a way that lacks control and care, usually causing accidents
niezdarny, nieporadny
brave enough to take risks and do dangerous things
odważny, zuchwały
behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional
ekstrawagancki, dziwaczny
having or showing intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something
entuzjastyczny, zapalony
able to be relied on to do what is needed or asked of
niezawodny, godny zaufania
having an excessive and intense desire for something, especially wealth, possessions, or power
chciwy, żądny
not fully developed mentally or emotionally, often resulting in behaviors or reactions that are childish
niedojrzały, dziecinny
displaying kindness and patience when interacting with others
dobroduszny, życzliwy
showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good
współczujący, sympatyczny
showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them
tolerancyjny, wyrozumiały
willing to give one's energy and time to something because one believes in it
zaangażowany, oddany