Solusi - Menengah Atas - Satuan 5 - 5E
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 5 - 5E dalam buku kursus Solutions Upper-Intermediate, seperti "berbicara", "jatuh cinta", "berkemas", dll.
Kartu flash
to convince someone to do something they do not want to do
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
to choose someone as an example and follow their behavior or choices
mengikuti contoh dari
to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one
mengajak berkencan
to talk with someone in a playful or romantic way to explore a potential connection
to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness
sembuh dari
to experience a loss of interest or liking towards someone or something
kehilangan minat pada
to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time
pergi keluar
to follow someone or something in an attempt to catch them
berlari mengejar