Kata Kerja Gerakan - Kata Kerja untuk Bepergian
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada perjalanan seperti "tour", "cruise", dan "commute".
Kartu flash
to journey or move from one place to another for recreational or leisure purposes
to go for a long walk or journey, particularly in the mountains, forests, etc. as an adventure
menyusuri, berjalan jauh
to travel around a place, especially for pleasure
berkeliling, mengunjungi
to travel or wander around from place to place, especially on foot
mengembara, berkelana
to travel all the way around something, especially the globe, by sea, air, or land
melilingi, berkeliling
to take a short and leisurely journey or excursion, often for pleasure or recreation
berlibur singkat, jalan-jalan
to spend time or travel without a clear plan or direction
berkeliling, seliweran
to go around in search of pleasure or entertainment
berkelana, jalan-jalan
to travel extensively and visit various places around the world
berkeliling dunia, travelling di seluruh dunia
to hike or travel carrying one's clothes, etc. in a backpack
mendaki dengan ransel, bepergian dengan ransel
to travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles, typically by standing at the side of the road and signaling drivers to stop
menumpang, naik gratis
to regularly travel to one's place of work and home by different means
berangkat kerja, pergi ke tempat kerja
to travel or cross something in an aircraft
terbang, melakukan penerbangan