Werkwoorden van Beweging - Werkwoorden voor reizen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse werkwoorden die naar reizen verwijzen, zoals "tour", "cruise" en "pendelen".
to journey or move from one place to another for recreational or leisure purposes


to go for a long walk or journey, particularly in the mountains, forests, etc. as an adventure

wandelen, trekken

to travel or wander around from place to place, especially on foot

peregrineren, reizen

to travel all the way around something, especially the globe, by sea, air, or land

omzeilen, de wereld rondvaren

to take a short and leisurely journey or excursion, often for pleasure or recreation

een korte reis maken, wandelen

to spend time or travel without a clear plan or direction

ronddwalen, zwerven

to travel extensively and visit various places around the world

de wereld rondreizen, wereldreizen

to hike or travel carrying one's clothes, etc. in a backpack

hiken met een rugzak, reizen met een rugzak

to travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles, typically by standing at the side of the road and signaling drivers to stop

liften, hitchhiken

to regularly travel to one's place of work and home by different means

forenzen, pendelen