Daftar Kata Level B1 - Farming
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang pertanian, seperti "gudang", "ternak", "rumah pertanian", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar B1.
Kartu flash
a building on a farm in which people keep their animals, straw, hay, or grains

gudang, kandang

large farm animals, such as cows and bulls, raised for meat, milk, or labor

ternak, sapi

an area or a place where fish are kept to increase their number and then be sold

budidaya ikan, farm ikan

a glass structure used for growing plants in and protecting them from cold weather

rumah kaca, kaca rumah

(of food or farming techniques) produced or done without any artificial or chemical substances

organik, alami

an insect or small animal that destroys or damages crops, food, etc.

hama, hama kecil

a large farm tool with heavy blades used to turn over soil and prepare it for sowing

cangkul, papan bajak

an object that looks like a person and is made to scare birds away

batang pengusir burung

a small living part of a plant that when put in the ground, grows into a new one

benih, biji

a piece of land on which grapes are grown to make wine

kebun anggur, ladang anggur