Daftar Kata Level C1 - Music
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang musik, seperti "playlist", "jukebox", "string", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar C1.
Kartu flash
a set of recorded songs and pieces of music that have been selected to be broadcast on a radio station or a radio program

daftar putar, playlist

(of music) made only by instruments and without vocals

instrumental, perangkat

an electronic device that strengthens electrical signals or causes sounds to get louder


a machine that can play a chosen song when one inserts a coin or pays by card, found in bars, etc.

jukebox, mesin musik

an electronic musical instrument that produces the sounds of other instruments


an official song of great importance for a particular country that is performed on certain occasions

lagu kebangsaan, lagu resmi

a wind instrument with a reed and several sticks, played by squeezing a bag and blowing through one of its pipes, originated from Scotland

seruling, alat tiup

a long and partially curved, thin rod made out of wood with horsehair strings stretched alongside it, used to play stringed instruments such as the cello and violin

busur, tongkat

a cord of stretched wire, nylon, etc. on a musical instrument that is plucked to produce sound

senar, kawat

a triangular musical instrument with a row of strings that are stretched vertically, played with the fingers


a musical composition that is written for one or more solo instruments and accompanied by an orchestra with three movements

konserto, komposisi musik

any of the short sections of equal length consisting of musical beats located between two consecutive lines

pukul, bar

a set of notes based on a particular note that form the tonal basis of a musical passage

tonalitas, kunci

the degree of highness or lowness of a tone that is determined by the frequency of waves producing it

tingkat, nada

an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order

skala, tangga

notes of music played or sung in a combination that produces a pleasing effect


a long and sophisticated musical composition written for a large orchestra, in three or four movements


the arrangement or succession of single musical notes in a tune or piece of music


one of the main parts that a long musical work is divided into, having its own structure


to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so


to play audio or video material from the Internet without needing to download the whole file on one's device

menyiarkan, streaming

to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips

bersiul, mengeluarkan suara

a type of religious music in which singers sing loudly, originally performed by African Americans

gospel, musik gospel

a style of dance music originated from African music and jazz, characterized by having a strong rhythm

funk, musik funk

musical instruments made of brass that produce sound when blown into, such as the trumpet and trombone

perunggu, alat musik tembaga

a type of music popularized by African American musicians that expresses strong and deep emotions

soul, musik soul

any musical instrument that is usually made of wood or metal and is played by blowing, such as a flute, clarinet, etc.

alat musik tiup, alat musik tiup dari kayu

a piece of music that is composed for a fast dance of Brazilian origin called samba


any musical instrument that is played by hitting with the hand or a stick, such as cymbals, drums, etc.

perkusi, alat musik perkusi