500 Verbi Inglesi Più Comuni - Top 201-225 Verbi
Di seguito viene fornita la parte 9 dell'elenco dei verbi più comuni in inglese come "wish", "hide" e "hate".
to desire something to occur or to be true even though it is improbable or not possible

to have or hold something within or include something as a part of a larger entity or space

to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

to cover or give the details of an event in written or spoken form as a journalist on TV, etc.

riportare, fare un resoconto su

to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

forzare, obbligare

to decide on and make arrangements or preparations for something ahead of time

pianificare, preparare

to tell someone our name so they can know us, or to tell them someone else's name so they can know each other, normally happening in the first meeting
