最も一般的な500の英語動詞 - 上位 201 ~ 225 の動詞
ここでは、「願う」、「隠す」、「嫌い」など、英語で最も一般的な動詞のリストのパート 9 を提供します。
to wish
to desire something to occur or to be true even though it is improbable or not possible

望む, 願う

to contain
to have or hold something within or include something as a part of a larger entity or space

含む, 包含する

to vote
to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

投票する, 票を投じる

to report
to cover or give the details of an event in written or spoken form as a journalist on TV, etc.

報告する, レポートする

to force
to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

強制する, 無理強いする

