Il libro Face2face - Intermedio - Unità 10 - 10B
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 10 - 10B del libro di testo Face2Face Intermediate, come "a strisce", "tinto", "coda di cavallo", ecc.
(of hair, skin, or eyes) characterized by a deep brown color that can range from light to very dark shades

colored in a way that is not natural, but done artificially

tinto, colorato artificialmente

(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height

(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance

a hairstyle in which the hair is pulled away from the face and gathered at the back of the head, secured in a way that hangs loosely

pattinatura a coda di cavallo
a long and narrow piece of fabric tied around the collar, particularly worn by men

a piece of clothing worn by girls and women that is made in one piece and covers the body down to the legs but has no separate part for each leg

a piece of clothing usually worn by men on the upper half of the body, typically with a collar and sleeves, and with buttons down the front

a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly

indicating things that occur near the beginning of a series, development, process, or condition

precoce, iniziale

a person's age being between 35 and 39 years old

metà dei trent'anni, trentacinque a trentanove anni

toward the end of a specific period of time or phase in someone's life

tardi, alla fine di

the period of time in someone's life between the ages of 40 and 49

quarantena, i quaranta

objects such as necklaces, bracelets or rings, typically made from precious metals such as gold and silver, that we wear as decoration
