Avverbi di Valutazione ed Emozione - Avverbi di emozione negativa
Questi avverbi descrivono gli stati emotivi negativi che qualcuno prova, come "tristemente", "con rabbia", "nervosamente", ecc.
in a way that is extremely irrational, chaotic, or crazy
follemente, pazzamente
in a way that shows intense anger, passion, or strong emotion
furiamente, con furia
with a lot of strong emotions or turbulence
tempestosamente, in modo turbolento
in a way that involves sudden and intense bursts of anger or emotional outbursts
esplosivamente, in modo esplosivo
in a manner that shows great unhappiness or failure
miseramente, in modo miserabile
in a way that is not pleasant or joyful
infelicemente, sfortunatamente
with tears in the eyes, expressing sadness, grief, or strong emotions
lacrimosamente, con le lacrime agli occhi
in a way that shows signs of fear, worry, or anxiety
nervosamente, ansiosamente
with feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease
ansiosamente, con ansia
with resentment or envy towards someone else's achievements, possessions, or advantages
con gelosia, invidiosamente
in a way that shows a lack of hope or optimism, often with a feeling of defeat or despair
senza speranza, disperatamente
with uncontrollable laughter or intense emotional reactions
istericamente, in modo isterico
with reluctance or resentment, often because one feels forced or obligated
a malincuore, con riluttanza
with deep sadness or a feeling of emptiness
desolatamente, con desolazione
in a way that shows hurried, anxious, or very busy behavior
franticamente, in modo frenetico