最も一般的な500の英語動詞 - 上位 101 ~ 125 の動詞
ここでは、「参加する」、「忘れる」、「戦う」など、英語で最も一般的な動詞のリストのパート 5 を提供します。
to expect
to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something

期待する, 予想する

to open
to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use


to pull
to use your hands to move something or someone toward yourself or in the direction that your hands are moving

引く, 引き寄せる

to push
to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you

押す, 押し出す

to explain
to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

説明する, 明らかにする

