500 Vanligaste Engelska Verben - Topp 101 - 125 verb
Här får du del 5 av listan över de vanligaste verben på engelska som "join", "forget" och "fight".
to pay attention and become aware of a particular thing or person

att lägga märke till, att observera

to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something

förvänta, vänta

to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use


to use your hands to move something or someone toward yourself or in the direction that your hands are moving

dra, släpa

to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail

nämna, föreslå

to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you

skjuta, trycka

to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

förklara, klargöra

to make something move through the air by quickly moving your arm and hand

kasta, slänga

to put something over something else in a way that hides or protects it

täcka, överdraga