本 Headway - 中級 - ユニット1
ここでは、Headway 中級コースブックのユニット 1 にある「勤勉」、「頼りになる」、「魅力的」などの語彙を紹介します。
(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks

勤勉な, 熱心な

catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.

興味深い, 魅力的

no longer used, supported, etc. by the general public, typically belonging to an earlier period in history

古風な, 流行遅れの

including a wide range of people with different nationalities and cultures

国際的, 多文化の

(of a person) approximately between 45 to 65 years old, typically indicating a stage of life between young adulthood and old age

中年の, 中年期の

having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

興味のある, 関心のある

(particularly of an acivity) causing a feeling of physical or mental fatigue or exhaustion

疲れる, 根気のいる

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

退屈な, 興味を失った

causing great surprise or amazement due to being impressive, unexpected, or remarkable

驚くべき, 素晴らしい

feeling very surprised or impressed, especially because of an unexpected event

驚いた, 仰天した

not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

失望した, 失望した

experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation

気まぐれな, ムードが変わりやすい

having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

寛大な, 気前の良い

unable to wait calmly for something or someone, often feeling irritated or frustrated

我慢できない, せっかちな

(of a place) relaxing and comfortable, particularly because of the warmth or small size of the place

居心地の良い, 快適な