本 Solutions - 上級 - ユニット8 - 8C
ここでは、Solutions Advanced コースブックの Unit 8 ~ 8C の「引用」、「レットインオン」、「伝聞」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
a conversation about other people conveying harsh, vicious, and unproven information about their personal life

噂, ゴシップ

to let in on
to allow someone to be part of a secret or to share information that was previously unknown to them

秘密を教える, 教え込む

word get out
used to refer to a situation in which information that was meant to be kept secret or private is made known to others
to quote
to say the exact sentence or group of words someone else used in a movie, book, etc.

引用する, 引用をする

information that is heard from someone else, rather than being firsthand knowledge

噂, 聞き知り

to bite one's tongue
to not say something, against one's wish, in order to avoid causing an argument or upsetting someone
